Pressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton

Offrire ID: #76098

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Specifiche (EN) - Muller Weingarten VK 800 (ID:76098)

TypeStamping press
ManufacturerMuller Weingarten
ModelVK 800
Year of manufacture1994
Pressure total800 ton
Ram stroke1000 mm
Slide adjustment250 mm
Number of strokes4 — 18 s.p.m.
Shut height (stroke down, adjustment up)1400 mm
Table surface area2000 x 2500 mm
Slide area2000 x 2500 mm
Die cushion capacity in table60 — 250 ton
Die cushion stroke200 mm
Cushion pressure in ram250 ton
Ram stroke150 mm
Die Weight total35000 kg
Die weight at the ram max.15000 kg
Height over floor approx.8500 mm
Weight of machine approx.240 ton

Fotografie - Muller Weingarten VK 800 (ID:76098)

Pressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Muller Weingarten VK 800 - 800 ton (ID:76098) -
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