Pressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton

Offrire ID: #S85627

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Specifiche (EN) - Smeral LDO 500 S (ID:S85627)

TypeStamping press
ModelLDO 500 S
Year of manufacture1981
Stamping force500 ton
Distance between bars1600 mm
Stroke50 mm
Number of strokes43 1/min
Table1580 x 1100 mm
Overall dimensions
— width2600 mm
— depth2450 mm
— height5650 mm
Weight40000 kg

Fotografie - Smeral LDO 500 S (ID:S85627)

Pressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) - Dabrox.comPressa per stampaggio Smeral LDO 500 S - 500 ton (ID:S85627) -
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Presse 500 tonPresse stampaggio fogli 500 tonPresse a sbavare e preformare 500 tonPresse per stampaggio SmeralPresse SmeralPresse a sbavare e preformare Smeral

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